Aglo Speaker Settings

Adjust the volume of the bells and paging.

Bell Volume

Login to the speaker you want to adjust the volume on by typing the IP address of the speaker into the web browser. You can find the IP address by referencing the Speaker Chart for your organization provided by K12 MT. You must be on the same network as your school. 

K12 MT will provide you with a unique password. 

  1. Navigate to the Basic Settings Tab
  2. Click on Features Tab
  3. In the Inbound Ring Settings change the Ring/Alert Volume to your desired volume. On an average 4-6 volume is usually suffient. 
  4. To test the volume, click Apply, then click Play and listen for the sound. Adjust accordingly. 
  5. Click Save at the bottom right once you have your desired volume set. 
    Bell Volume


Paging Volume

Login to the speaker you want to adjust the volume on by typing the IP address of the speaker into the web browser. You can find the IP address by referencing the Speaker Chart for your organization provided by K12 MT. You must be on the same network as your school. 

The default password is algo

  1. Navigate to the Basic Settings Tab
  2. Click on Features Tab
  3. In the Inbound Page Settings change the Page Speaker Volume to your desired volume. We recommend 10 for maxium output. 
  4. To test the volume,have someone turn on the microphone in the office and talk into it while you listen from the room with the speaker you are adjusting. 
  5. Click Save at the bottom right once you have your desired volume set. 
    Page Volume