Algo Bell Scheduler

Edit the calendar and bell schedule in the 8301 IP Paging Adapter & Scheduler.

Set Up Bell Schedule

  1. Log in to the Paging Adapter & Scheduler by typing the IP address provided by K12 MT into the the web browser. You will need to be on the school internet network to access it.
  2. The User Name should be Scheduler and K12 MT will provide you with a unique password.
  3. Navigate to the Scheduler Tab at the top.
    1. Go to Schedules
    2. Click Create Schedule
      1. Enter the Name of the Schedule in the text box. (e.g. Weekday or ACT Testing Day)
  4. Click Add Event
    1. Enter the Event Description (e.g. Period 1 Begins, Lunch, or Period 3 Ends)
    2. Enter in the time you want the bell to sound (it will automatically change it to military time after you log out.)
    3. Select what Audio you want for that event. (e.g. School Bell.wav or any pre-recorded announcements such as the pledge)
    4. Select All Call on the Page Zone or set a specific zone as needed .
    5. Once you have your completed schedule click Save
    6. To delete an Event, click on the blue X button on the right hand side. 
    7. To copy an Event, click on the blue double page button on the right hand side.

Bell 1


Set Up Calendar Schedule

  1. Navigate to the Calendar Tab
    1. Click on the --Select & Click date to set-- drop down on the top right.
    2. Select the Schedule you want to add to the calendar (Weekday or ACT Testing Day...)
    3. Make sure Single is selected.
    4. Click the day/days on the Calendar that you want to implement the schedule. 
    5. Once you have your calendar filled in, click Save.
To switch to a different schedule, go back up to the --Select & Click date to set-- drop down and select another one. Then click on the day on the calendar to add it. 
You can have more than one schedule in a day if you choose. 
  1. To REMOVE a schedule, go to --Select & Click date to set-- drop down and select and select None (clear).
    1. Then click on the schedule you want removed on the calendar. It will disappear. 
    2. Then Click Save.

    Bell 2

Set A Recurring Schedule

The ‘All Weekdays’ or ‘All’ buttons can be used instead of clicking individual dates to implement a specific schedule throughout the month or to clear existing schedule for the whole month.
The schedule will need to be applied to each month separately.
Recurrent schedules are also supported.

  1. Select the desired schedule from the --Select & Click date to set-- drop-down menu
  2. Select "Recurring" from the button on the top right.
  3. Once selected, configure the recurrency settings underneath the calendar.
  4. To apply, click on the starting day on the calendar. The schedule will now be populated onto the calendar.
  5. Save the settings. 

Bell 3

Note: If you want to delete one day's schedule that was created by a recurring schedule, it will delete all of that month's/week's schedule.